Who We Serve
We focus exclusively on serving one type of client, entrepreneurs.
As a result, we are uniquely experienced with addressing the needs of our clientele. We narrow our focus even further by looking for entrepreneurs who run the following types of companies:
Early-stage to middle-market growth companies
Disruptive technologies
Uniqueness through innovation
Below are a few of our current assignments. An extensive history of assignments and client references can be provided upon request.
10X Technology
Business Model: 10x Technology, LLC (10x) develops and manufactures micro- and nano-structured polymer substrates. The Company provides manufacturing, engineering services and licensing or partnership opportunities related to these products
Product: Precision micro-structured polymers which find applications in the Energy, Medical, Electronics, Transportation and Military sectors. Current products include micro-needle arrays, Fresnel lenses for solar concentrators, and microfluidic substrates. The founder led the team that invented the technology to produce micro-prisms (reflective sheetings) that today cover road signs throughout the world
Customers: Companies in the medical, energy, and electronics industries turn to 10X Technology for their micro-structured polymer needs and to turn next generation designs into commercially viable products using proprietary, continuous manufacturing technologies and processes
Website: www.10XTechnology.com
Advanced Diamond Technologies
Business Model: Utilizing the technology it licenses from Argonne National Laboratory, ADT designs, manufactures and sells synthetic thin diamond (ultrananocrystalline diamond) for numerous industrial, electronic, mechanical, and biomedical applications.
Product: Ultrananocrystalline Diamonds (UNCD), reproducible diamond films of controllable material specifications. Some of the key applications include RF electronics for cell phones and wireless communication devices, Thermal management substrates for cooling chips and LEDs, Diamond electrodes for water remediation, Coatings for implantable biomedical devices, Mechanical Seals and Portable biosensors to detect biological pathogens in water
Customers: Typically, mid-to-large scale companies in the IT, electronic, mechanical, biomedical and industrial machining sectors seek the manufacturing prowess of ADT
Website: www.thindiamond.com
In-Pipe Technology
Business Model: In-Pipe holds a range of patents on biofilm purification and also installs their patent-pending system for wastewater treatment
Product: Strategically located wastewater treatment containers housed within existing and new sewer infrastructures
Customers: North American municipalities that own their sewer systems
Website: www.In-Pipe.com
Digital Optics International
Business Model: DOI designs, manufactures, and sells its proprietary LED lighting solutions into both new construction and refurbishment markets. The company purchases LEDs directly from the manufacturers, utilizes contract manufacturing in the production of finished goods, and shall leverage established distributors and wholesalers.
Product: Digital Optics International, LLC (DOI) develops a portfolio of lighting solutions that save significant energy relative to conventional alternatives (incandescent, fluorescent, etc.) while improving on the usability and adaptability of the latest lighting technologies, such as light emitting diodes (LEDs).
Customers: Qualcomm is an existing customer. DOI is performing pilot installations ahead of ramp production, and is in active discussions with a number of well known institutions for phased showcase installations.
Business Model: Tagnetics designs, installs and maintains complete Electronic Shelf Label systems
Product: Electronic Shelf Label (ESL) solutions which includes, Tags (ESLs), Continuous power, Two-way Communications, Network Controller, and Tagnetics Store Controller Software Application. Tagnetics’ patent-protected inductive coupling based ESL solution provides unmatched price accuracy and system reliability at the lowest net cost in the industry
Customers: Retailers such as grocery stores, convenient stores and supercenters. Installed base includes Whole Foods stores as well as other national and international installations.
Autonomic Materials
Business Model: AMI shall sell finished self-healing microcapsules directly to coating producers as well as to end-users and will employ an outsourced manufacturing strategy to produce them
Product: AMI offers the first commercially viable self-healing technology for high-performance coatings
Customers: Leading producers and select end-users of high-performance coatings. AMI will initially focus on those segments that demand high-performance coatings, including: Infrastructure, Machinery and Equipment, Oil and Gas, Marine, Water Treatment, Utilities (gas distribution, electrical utilities, and telecommunication), Aerospace, Military, and Transportation
Website: www.autonomicmaterials.com
Business Model: Intellihot Green Technologies, Inc. (Intellihot) has developed and is now commercializing a tankless water heater that reduces installation and operating costs as well as decreases the impact of heating water on the environment.
Product: Tankless water heater that is 40% more energy efficient than comparable capacity tank-type water heaters. Some of the novel features of Intellihot’s heater include proprietary technology covering self-learning, master-less cascading, remote monitoring, and de-scaling techniques. In comparison to other tankless heaters in the market, Intellihot’s products substantially reduce wasted water while awaiting the arrival of hot water
Customers: Intellihot is focusing on the commercial market for tankless water heaters, such as hotels, restaurants, prisons and hair salons.
Website: www.intellihot.com