Twenty Questions You Will Be Asked by Venture Capitalists (if you get that far)
Laurence K. Hayward
The primary difference between the game “20 questions” and the venture capital interview is that you, the interviewee, don’t get to answer the questions with a simple “yes” or “no.”
This document is a 5-page summary available for free downloading and distribution.
(The full, 15-page article may be obtained by contacting VentureLab.)
Angel Investing 2009
Kasey Wehrum
Where would we be without angel investors? In 2007, 258,200 angels pumped $26 billion into 57,120 companies, making these wealthy individuals the single largest source of start-up capital, according to the University of New Hampshire’s Center for Venture Research. But despite their ethereal name, angel investors are all too human. Their money comes from their investment portfolios, and theirs, just like yours, have been hammered. That’s sparking big changes in the way angels invest.