03.15.10 Hayward and Gruber Featured on Comcast Network
Chicago, IL — March 15, 2010 — VentureLab partners Laurence Hayward and Michael Gruber recently appeared on Comcast Network's "Public Perspective." The partners gave their opinion on investment in early stage/start-up companies, the current investing environment, and the role Cornerstone Angels is playing to help promote entrepreneurship and innovation in the greater Midwest.
You can view the video (in three parts) on Youtube and Facebook.
The links are as follows:
Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/CornerstoneAngels
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Northbrook-IL/Cornerstone-Angels/381047375873?ref=ts
About VentureLabVentureLab provides business and financial advisory services to early-stage companies. VentureLab works with business owners and entrepreneurs to identify their core needs, evaluate the company’s strengths and opportunities, build plans to facilitate the greatest return on investment, and execute those plans to raise capital, form strategic alliances, and grow the company. Headquartered in Northbrook, IL, VentureLab serves clients in the Midwest and throughout the United States. www.theventurelab.com
Contact: Momei Qu, 847.739.0100, mq@theventurelab.com